Judicial Breakdown...
The new hype is about the death penalty out in California. Apparently a pair of doctors were to observe the process of Michael Morales who was to be put to death by lethal injection for torturing, raping and murdering a 17-year-old girl 25 years ago.
A federal judge ordered the officials at San Quentin State Prison to have licensed medical personnel take part in an execution. These doctors refused to take part because of ethical considerations. They were of the understanding that they were there to observe.
The whole reason this came about, was because of a study done on post mortem toxicology reports of past executions. In these studies there was a concern that the condemned may have felt pain before they succumbed to the lethal cocktail of drugs.
Felt some pain...
I suppose this may be offensive to those opposed to the death penalty, but if there's a fraction of a second of pain before death for someone who tortured, raped and murdered a 17-year-old girl, I'd say that's not enough!
What happened to the days of the gallows, Guillotine, the axe wielding headmen in the hood. Of course I can't leave out the Electric chair. Obvious pain involved in these methods of execution.

When they use lethal injection now it's a breeze! Oh the fellow may be nervous and upset about being sentenced to death, that's only natural. They give him/her (must not be sexist) a sedative and put the poor person to sleep, then give a series of drugs to stop their breathing and then the heart.
What is wrong with the judge that felt this was a good reason to have medical personnel involved. Above that, if doctors don't want to do it because of their oath then there should be trained professionals that don't take an oath that get paid pretty well to do it. I'm sure there are plenty of medical school drops outs that would take the job. For that matter, transfer Dr. Jack Kevorkian out of Michigan into San Quentin. Why not have the best of the best take care of the rest...
Please feel free to comment on this one. This couldn't be more ridiculous in my opinion.
A federal judge ordered the officials at San Quentin State Prison to have licensed medical personnel take part in an execution. These doctors refused to take part because of ethical considerations. They were of the understanding that they were there to observe.
The whole reason this came about, was because of a study done on post mortem toxicology reports of past executions. In these studies there was a concern that the condemned may have felt pain before they succumbed to the lethal cocktail of drugs.
Felt some pain...
I suppose this may be offensive to those opposed to the death penalty, but if there's a fraction of a second of pain before death for someone who tortured, raped and murdered a 17-year-old girl, I'd say that's not enough!
What happened to the days of the gallows, Guillotine, the axe wielding headmen in the hood. Of course I can't leave out the Electric chair. Obvious pain involved in these methods of execution.

When they use lethal injection now it's a breeze! Oh the fellow may be nervous and upset about being sentenced to death, that's only natural. They give him/her (must not be sexist) a sedative and put the poor person to sleep, then give a series of drugs to stop their breathing and then the heart.
What is wrong with the judge that felt this was a good reason to have medical personnel involved. Above that, if doctors don't want to do it because of their oath then there should be trained professionals that don't take an oath that get paid pretty well to do it. I'm sure there are plenty of medical school drops outs that would take the job. For that matter, transfer Dr. Jack Kevorkian out of Michigan into San Quentin. Why not have the best of the best take care of the rest...
Please feel free to comment on this one. This couldn't be more ridiculous in my opinion.
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